Saturday, November 10, 2018

Intermission: Why share my story?

Mental illness has received a lot of bad press throughout the years. It is for the first time, acceptable to say, "hey you know what, I have a mental illness," but I am not my mental illness. I am sharing my story to let others know, they are not alone, and I too can be brave. 

There are different types of mental illness; some of them are as follows:

This is not a full list, but it will give you an idea of what can be classified as a mental illness. The guidelines are followed by the DSM-which is this huge book all about the characters of an illness. 

I am going to be a high school teacher. I was a fifth-grade teacher. I am currently a daughter, a friend, and a grad student with a 3.6 GPA. I just happen to have depression, major anxiety, and BPD.  There are some fantastic people in this world you have a mental illness. Those of us with a mental illness do not want to shoot people or hurt others. It is quite the opposite. We feel guilty when we let others down. We strive for perfection, and we want to please our family, friends, co-workers, and boss to the point we lose sleep. It is not easy to satisfy, so instead of hurting others, we hurt ourselves. We either self-harm or restrict our eating or exercise until we want to collapse because we think we are not good enough. 

I tell my story because I have study others who were brave to tell their story. I want others to understand that there is a reason I react or stare or lash out in anger. I will be a great English teacher and be an advocate for my students no matter who they are or what they may have. They, like me, just want others to love them the way they are.

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